No doubt, there is nothing quite like seeing the world and exploring the beauties of every continent. But with all the glories of travel, there are downfalls too. One such downfall is homesickness.
If you are frequent then, you must have felt homesick every time you were away from your loved ones for too long. Even people who are not frequent travellers can quite easily feel the overwhelming feeling of being homesick and missing their favourite people.
Everyone misses others from time to time. How to overcome homesickness is something that can benefit anyone. From a college student to a frequent traveller, we all need a little guidance on what to do when we feel lost and miss the people back at home.
Homesickness is natural and, there is nothing to feel guilty about that. What you can do instead is find ways you can overcome this feeling. There are many different ways people overcome this feeling of homesickness. You can try them too!
Call back home

Possibly, the simplest yet the most effective way to get over homesickness is calling the people you are missing. Many people refrain from calling their loved ones all the time because they might feel like they are bothering their family and friends. But, it is crucial to understand that people you left back at home are probably missing you as much as you miss them.
Calling back home is a great way to stay updated about what’s going on back at home. And, also let them know about where you are and what your plans for the trip are.
Another crucial thing to remember is that messaging does not equal calling. There is no reason to be shy of your family or close friends. Call them instead of leaving a text. Also, remember to confirm a time with the person you want to talk to, so you know that they are available or not. In this way, you can chat with them for as long as you like without disturbing their schedule.
Keep pictures of your loved ones

This one is probably an old trick, but as they say, old is gold. Keeping pictures of the people you love close to you will reassure you. And can tremendously calm your nerves when you are feeling down and out. You will also feel at home with this simple trick. Looking at the pictures of your family is a great way to lighten up the mood and get you back feeling lively and fresh.
You can keep the pictures of your loved ones in your bag or try the old fashioned way and have them placed inside your purse.
If you do not have any physical pictures of your family and are already in the new country, then you must have some on your phone, right? Set them up as your phone screen wallpaper and look at them whenever you are missing home.
Embrace what you are going through

Although, being sad over missing your family is not something I would suggest. However, thinking about the people you have back home can also be beneficial. Your friends, your mum and dad, and everything else that makes you feel homesick. Taking a moment to reflect and ponder over the blessings you have back at home will help you build better and stronger bonds with the people you love.
It is crucial that once you have understood this, you either call the people you miss or get back out there and explore the wonders of the land you are travelling. Staying sad won’t do you any good so, make use of the time you’ve got and live in the moment.
Read more: How to fit in when you’re abroad?
Talk to other travellers

If you are travelling in a group, then utilize this by talking to the people around you. There is a possibility that those travellers are just as homesick as you are. But there is a possibility that they feel burdened talking about this. In this way, you can extend a helping hand to them while simultaneously letting them be a shoulder for you to cry on as well.
Talking to other people about what you are going through will help you understand them better and give you something to occupy your mind with for a while.
Keep yourself active

Another great that will help you treat homesickness is keeping yourself busy and occupied. Explore and go sightseeing is a great way to do just that. When you get immersed in the beauties of the new world you are in, you will eventually forget about the feeling of homesickness.
Travelling is an experience that can engulf you if you let it. Go out and see the amazing things this world has to offer. Take this opportunity as a blessing and go out and about. Meet new people, try new things, explore the country you are in, and most of all, enjoy your time to the fullest.
Homesickness during the times of the pandemic

The pandemic of Coronavirus has drastically changed everyone’s life. Coronavirus and its spread came as a shock to almost everyone. Many people who were away from home got stuck where they were for a long time, and many still are.
People stuck in foreign lands where is a lockdown going on are most likely to feel homesick.
Travelling is a great way to keep you from getting homesick but, with a lockdown going on, this isn’t possible. During these times, take advantage of the beneficial technology that is the internet and reach out to your loved ones. Call, text, video chat, whatever you feel is the best way to stay connected, use that means and take care of your mental health. Times have been tough, but you have to stay connected to the ones you feel at home with the most. It will keep your mental health in check.
Homesickness is a serious issue. Not many people understand it but being away from home for a long time is not easy. It is dire that you seek help if you feel too depressed because of the recent events and above take care of yourself and your loved ones. Even if all you can do right now is call them, then do just that.
Do you follow a trick to keep yourself from feeling homesick on long journeys away from home? If so, leave a comment below!
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