
How to travel on a low budget?

April 27, 2021
travel on a budget

If you will ask anyone what their top wish or hobby is, most people will give you the same answer about travelling. But what’s the thing that is stopping people from achieving their dream holidays, again the answer will be the same “Money”. But travelling doesn’t always have to cost a fortune and, if you are looking to travel on a set budget, you are on the right article.

Choose a cheap destination

Choose a cheap destination

Choosing a cheap destination doesn’t mean that you will be missing out on the fun. There are many culturally rich and beautiful destinations you can explore without going bankrupt. Mexico, Turkey, Morocco, Brazil and Thailand, are to name a few.

These are not just budget-friendly destinations but have a lot of exotic places to see as well. Like the amount you will pay for one meal in destinations like Paris or Zurich can easily accommodate your whole day in these destinations.

Off-season travelling

Off-season travelling

Off-season travelling might not seem like an ideal suggestion, but it sure is a budget-friendly one. First of all, the flights will be cheaper, travelling to certain places off-season can be very friendly on the pockets.

Just like flights, the accommodation will be less expensive as well. Many restaurants also offer cheaper food seasons. Lastly, the most visited attractions won’t be full of tourist, and you can have a more authentic experience of the country you are travelling to on your next vacation. 

Create a budget

Create a budget

Creating a budget is very important to make sure you spend smart when you are on the trip and doing it beforehand is of utter importance. Most people won’t notice that they are breaking their banks before it’s too late.

Budgeting your travels will also save you from having any regret in the future about the trip. It will also make you an intelligent traveler as you will be making good choices because you will only be spending on the things you need instead of getting whatever you want. I also believe this will save a lot of your time which you can waste on finding and exploring options.

Now, I know vacations are supposed to be fun, and budgeting sounds boring and a bit tedious, but it’s still much better than running out of money in the middle of your adventure.

Compare airfares

Compare Airfares

Buying a plane ticket is probably the most expensive part of the trip for most of us. So being smart about it should be an integral part, especially when travelling on a budget. You can compare the prices of airfares online to get the best deals.

A side tip over here is to always clear your cookies. Why? Because airlines can jack up their prices when they see that you are looking for flights. The top two recommendations for searching for flights is Skyscanner and Kayak. Another tip is to check flights for midweek, specially Tuesdays and Wednesdays as these are a lot cheaper than the rest of the week.



Everyone likes staying in a luxurious hotel, but why spend a lot of money on a place that you will not be using all the time. The better recommendation would be to stay in a hostel instead of a hotel. These hostels are very wallet-friendly. Not only these hostels are lower in the price they also provide you with a more authentic backpacking experience you won’t get in a hotel or a rental home. A 2 or a 3 star hotel would also do just fine.

Look for free activities

Look for free activities

Wherever you will travel, you can always find free things to do. Looking for free activities can be a great way to travel on a budget. Do a little research before the trip and look up exciting things you do in the place you will be visiting. These are also a great way of keeping yourself entertained as well. You can choose between free walking tours, hiking, visiting a museum or even visit a place with religious values.

Read more: Why you should travel at least once a year?

Make money while you are travelling

Make money while you are travelling

Are you travelling for an extended period? No problem! You can always make more money while you travel. But you can earn some extra cash while doing simple things. Odd jobs like dog sitting or walking, teaching English to locals or even teaching some skills you already have to your fellow tourists. If you have writing skills, you can do freelance writing while travelling, and if you are good at taking beautiful shots, you can always sell your photos. These are just a few options, but the possibilities are endless.



There is cheaper accommodation available than hostels, and that is couch surfing. Now, this method often is free. Couchsurfing can be an easier way to meet friendly locals. Couchsurfing is the act of sleeping or borrowing other peoples couch. Sometimes people offer their extra bedroom. Whatever the arrangement will be, you will know about it beforehand.

Try to eat out less

Try to eat out less

Now, I know eating out or trying out new foods is one of the integral parts of your travelling experience, but it is not always the most budget-friendly option. Not only eating out all the time can burn a hole in your wallet, but it’s also not the best thing to do health-wise. So, your best option is to cook on your own. To buy grocery and even get fresh produce from the country to try and replicate their cuisine. It is a great way to save up some cash when you are travelling.



Transportation is a vital component when you are on a trip. So being smart about it can save you a lot of money. If you are not travelling very far, you can always walk from point A to point B. Walking around can also give you a more authentic travelling experience. You can also look for cheaper transports. For example, buses are more budget-friendly than taking a personal taxi, or you can even rent a bicycle for moving around. You can also use ridesharing programs like Lyft or Uber

And that’s it. These are my few tips and tricks to make your travelling more budget-friendly. Travelling on a budget doesn’t always have to be a dull task.

Now you are also aware of some tips that can help you travel to wherever you want to go without waiting for the day you win the lottery. Have fun planning! XX

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