We all love taking pictures, especially more so when we are travelling. But how to take better pictures of yourself when you are travelling alone. Don’t get me wrong, I love the idea of travelling alone and believe everyone should travel alone at least once in their lifetime because it teaches you a lot of valuable life lessons.
But one thing which sucks when you are travelling alone is getting good pictures. It is really hard to take your own pictures and even more to capture the perfect moment. Of course, you can take a lot of selfies when you are on the road but posting selfies is not everyone’s cup of tea.
So, what should one do to take amazing pictures on travels which are not memorable but also Instagram-worthy? Don’t worry all hope is not lost. There are a number of tricks you can try that ensure you get some amazing pictures when you get back from your travels.
Carry a tripod
This is a no brainer if you are travelling, always carry a tripod. Tripods are great for a number of reasons but in my opinion the most important one has to be that they help you take perfect pictures. Using a tripod for taking your pictures can be a lot more beneficial than asking a local because many times you’ll stumble upon people who will take blurry pictures and to ask them to take your picture over and over again can be very awkward, so it is best to carry a tripod with yourself. This will ensure that all the pictures you take are perfect.
Many people don’t like carrying a tripod and believe me there was a time when I was one of those but now, I believe that tripods are the most essential gadgets you should carry on your travels especially if you want to take a lot of great pictures on your solo trip.
Ask a local for help
Asking a local for help is not my most favourite option but certainly isn’t one I would ignore. Carrying a tripod can be hard and not everyone wants to have the extra weight when they are just trying to enjoy their vacation. Which is why you can always ask a local to assist you in taking your pictures. Most people are happy to help, so don’t worry about rejection.
However, I would only consider this as a temporary fix because it is not always likely that you will find a person who will take a bunch of pictures for you and there is no guarantee that you will even like the pictures that they take. This is why I would only recommend this to someone who is not very serious about the quality of pictures they upload on their social media.
Use the timer option
Another great way to take better pictures yourself is to use the timer option. Now all smartphones and DSLRs are equipped with the timer option. Use this option to take good pictures yourself. I personally use the timer option on my phone to take all my pictures whenever I am travelling alone. This is a great way to not only get pictures which are Insta-worthy but can be a great way to prepare yourself before a photo is clicked.
Personally, having someone else take my pictures is a nightmare. It is difficult and time consuming to explain to someone how you want a picture to be taken which is why I sometimes use this feature even when I am travelling with others. So, I would highly recommend everyone to at least try out this feature on your next trip.

Use the shutter option
Another option available on your smartphone and professional camera that you should take advantage of is the shutter option. Many people do not like the timer option because you must reset it every time you change a pose. If this sounds like you then try out the shutter option. Shutter option is another great option and would help you in taking great pictures with a number of different poses.
It is best to take some time to understand how both the timer and shutter functions work before you go on your travels. This way you will not face any complications when you are out and about touring the place you are at.
Come up with creative hacks
If you are among those who neither like carrying a tripod or asking a local for help, then this trick is for you. Coming up with creative hacks to take your pictures is a great way to take amazing pictures without much hassle.
But what does it mean to come up with creative ways to take pictures? Allow me to explain, it is very simple all you have to do is use different objects as your stand. Stuff such as your bag, water bottle, or anything you can erect your phone to are great substitutes for helping you in taking pictures.
Read more: How to take better travel photos?
Don’t be shy
This is not necessarily a tip but rather an ending note. Most people get anxious when they start taking their pictures when they are travelling especially if they notice other people staring. It is important to remember that there is literally no harm in taking pictures especially when you are enjoying yourself.
Even if the pictures you take are just for yourself, there is no reason that your picture shouldn’t look great. So don’t worry about the naysayers and enjoy your travels to your heart’s desire.
Travelling solo could be great. Not only do you understand the true meaning of independence but also understand great life hacks which you would otherwise not have to worry about when travelling with others. One of these great hacks is the art of taking your pictures when you are all alone on your travels. There are many ways you can master this great hack and have great pictures when you come back home from your travels.
If you have travelled solo and have some amazing shots to share, leave them in the Instagram Inbox and I will share some great ones out. XX
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